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MusicWorks Student Enrolment

Please complete this studio enrolment form AFTER you have confirmed your lesson arrangements (day, time, costs etc) directly with your teacher(s). Each student requires a separate enrolment submission.

The information provided is for the use of MusicWorks Teaching Studios, Erina and is not shared with any third party.

For detailed information on how we manage personal data, please refer to our privacy policy
* indicates mandatory field


Person submitting enrolment:

Students details

My Teacher(s)

Please select the students teacher(s)

Studio Policies, terms & Conditions


  • All Students using the studio must be enrolled as a student of MusicWorks Central Coast.

  • An annual Enrolment fee of $48.00 per student is payable. This levy helps to cover studio cost such as insurance, utilities, upkeep of studio equipment etc. The Studio Levy is additional to tuition fees and is non refundable should you decide to terminate lessons. Discounts will be applied by way of refund to families with 3 or more enrolled students.

  • ​Teachers at MusicWorks are independent contractors responsible for every aspect of their private tuition business. In making this enrolment you understand and agree to abide by the tuition policies, terms and conditions of your Teacher(s).

  • MusicWorks is not responsible for loss or damage to any personal property bought into the facility

  • Students utilising the facility must do so in a courteous, respectful and quiet manner. Students may be liable for damage to property caused by poor / unsupervised behaviour.


THANK YOU  - Your enrolment has been successfully submitted.

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